Friday 28 August 2015

History of Gokarna - Kotiteerth(ಕೋಟಿತೀರ್ಥ)

Om Namha Shivaya,


This is  0.4 km from Mahabaleshwar Temple.

Brief :
It is a man made Pond. Almost structure like Shiv Linga, at the center Koteshwara is there.
Minimal deep in some area and Very deep in some areas not preferred to swim.

It is Pushkarani of Mahabaleshwara Temple. On entrance Kamteshwara Temple is there which is the North West end, on the South West end Hanumanteshwara is there, on South East end Belli Mantapa & Patta Vinayaka is there. In mid of North Teertha Ganapathi is there. There are few other temples also around it, they are Shri Rama Temple, Sri Krishna Temple, Kala Bhairava Temple, Sode Matha & Kameshwara Matha.

This is the place where Piligrim's take holy bath. Here on Mantapa's around Kalyani Apara Karma and Kriya Karma is done.

The Wall and Steps to Kalyani was built in 1950 to 1965 with long breaks in between.

Few times in the year the Diyas will be lighten up around the Kalyani, when Mahabaleshwara Utsava Murthy will be taken around Koteshwara on Country Boat. The occasions are After 7 days of Shivaratri , Karthik Hunnime. On occasion of Patta Vinayaka Utsava also Diyas will be lighten around the Kalyani.
Diya's around the Wall

Utsava Murthy of Mahabaleshwara on Country Boat

 Pics are not clear these are taken in night. Please post nice pics if anyone got.

Visit Gokarna and Get blessed.

Gokarna Sanskara

Tuesday 25 August 2015

History of Gokarna - Go Garbha Cave(ಗೋಗರ್ಭ ಗುಹೆ)

Om Namha Shivaya,

Go Garbha Cave(ಗೋಗರ್ಭ ಗುಹೆ)

There different stories about this cave ,which is approximately 0.5 km from Kudle Beach and approximately 200 mts from Hanuman Janma Bhoomi(ಹನುಮಾನ್ ಜನ್ಮಾಭೂಮಿ).

Brief Note Structure:
Inside this cave there are Three Routes. As local belief one will go to Adi Gokarna which is inside Mahabaleshwara Temple Complex. One more route will go Kotiteertha and One more will go to Kaashi. Please avoid explore by going inside.

There is one way to get inside the cave and one top open hole is there.

As you enter on right side you can see Snake is carved on the wall. Some one can explore more on this.
Entry point of Cave
Whole At top of The Cave

Shiv Linga Inside Go Garbha

There are 2 stories about this place

1.In Treta Yuga(Yuga when Ramayana Happened). Most of the earth was ruled by immeasurably powerful, cruel kshatirya (warrior clan) King Kartikeya. He was a human incarnation of Lord Vishnu’s celestial weapon, Sudershan Chakra. This mighty King killed Jamadagni, Father of Parshuram. Infuriated by his death Parshuram killed the Kshatriya clan 21 times. After this he undertook a Vishwajeet Yagnya and handed over the Earth to Sage Kashyap. In the absence of proper Ruler the Earth was in complete disorder. There was loss of religious beliefs. Sins increased, immorality increased, cruelty increased, purity vanished. Her resources were plundered. To find salvation Mother Earth came to Gokarna. She performed penance in a Cave, whose shape was like a womb of a cow. Go means Cow and Garbha means womb and that is why the name Gogarbha. It is near to Kamandalu Tirtha. This is the place where Mother Earth was bestowed by Lord Shankar. After the boom, proper law and order situation restored. The one who visits here once is never reborn. The one who worships here gets to possess the Land

2. Before the creation of the Universe, there was a competition between Trimurti's. The one who has more Tapas Shakti. He will be Creator and Followed by Preserver, Destoryer. There was no land or Universe exist that time. All Trimurti's went for tapas, after Hundreds of year Brahma and Vishnu returned. As they waited for Maheshwara he was still in Tapas, they didn't find him. So Brahma Started creating this Universe and Earth. Shiva got trapped inside the Earth, he used his Third Eye and Came out. While coming outside the Cave like structure got created.

Visit Gokarna and Get blessed.

Gokarna Sanskara

Sunday 23 August 2015

Rudrabhisheka Pooja | ರುದ್ರಾಭಿಷೇಕ ಪೂಜೆ

Om Namaha Shivaya,

Rudrabhisheka Pooja | ರುದ್ರಾಭಿಷೇಕ ಪೂಜೆ, Is for worshiping Lord Rudra(Shiva) with Abhiskek.

This Pooja,Where Lord Shiva is worshipped in His Rudra form, is welcome by all Vedic scriptures as one of the greatest Poojas to remove all evils, to get Sucess in all desires and for all round prosperity. In this Pooja is done after the traditional Ganesha Pooja, Kalasha sthapana etc.

The Sri Rudram (chapter 16 & 18 of Yajur Veda) and 3rd chapter of Chamaka is recited and the Shiva Linga abhisheka is done with the prescribed ingredients like water, milk, curd, ghee, honey etc. The Sri Rudram identifies 346 desires of human beings to be fulfilled to have a prosperous , peaceful daily life and invokes Lord Rudra to fulfill all of them.

We are Happy to help you in regarding this.

Gokarna Sanskara

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-944852604808386-256048

Friday 7 August 2015

Asthi Visarjan (अस्थि-विसर्जन , ಅಸ್ಥಿ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆ) in Gokarna

Hare Raam,

Asthi Visarjan(अस्थि-विसर्जन , ಅಸ್ಥಿ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆ) is a very important religious ritual in the Hindu religion. Asthi means the left over bones and some ashes of a dead person collected after performing the last rites. In the Hindu religion a dead person is cremated normally on a Funeral pyre where the dead body is placed on logs of fire.

After the last rites are performed the remains of the dead person are collected, these are mostly tied in a peace of cloth. These ashes are then immersed in a clean normally flowing water body like a river or holy pond. The practice of immersion is known as Asthi Visarjan(अस्थि-विसर्जन , ಅಸ್ಥಿ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆ).This practice is a must for all Hindus.

In  Gokarna Holy Pond "Tamra Parni" is there where the Asthi Visarjan(अस्थि-विसर्जन , ಅಸ್ಥಿ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆ) is done from Ancient Times. There is a belief that  the "Asthi" will be melt in water and become        un-separable form after some days and this is happening till present.

We are Happy to help you in regarding this.

Gokarna Sanskara

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-944852604808386-256048