Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sarpa Shanti at Gokarna


We arrange for Sarpashanti at Gokarna.

The person born under Kaal – Sarp Dosha / Yoga passes through death like situation for the entire life. The actual meaning of Kaal means death.The Kaal Sarp Dosha is formed when all the planets are present in between Rahu and Ketu. There are many types of Kaal Sarpa Doshas. If all seven planets are in between Rahu and Ketu, it shows bad sign. That person who takes birth in this yoga may suffer from problem of instability in the life, person may be disturbed both physically and mentally, person might suffer from loss in business or there might be family problems. Purpose :
  • Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana
  • Remedy for Rahu Dosha
  • Remedy for Kethu Dosha
  • In some cases, it is believed to cause untimely death of one spouse.
Preists: 3
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+919448526048,

Sudarshana Homa at Gokarna


We arrange for Sudarshana Homa at Gokarna.

Person who suffering from ill health or a person who doesn’t have peace can perform sudarshana homam. Performing Sudarshana Homam confers health, wealth and Prosperity to the person who performs the Homam.If the seeker desires material benefit, the homamgrants him all the riches he wants. If a person desires spiritual benefit, he begets this upon performance of the Homam
Benefits :
  • Relief from sufferings caused by hostile elements, poison, sorcery, thieves Relief from unexplainable diseases and illnesses
  • Elders who want to get relieved of illnesses and attain salvation People who want to win over of their enemies
Purpose :
  • Overcome negativity
  • Suffering from ill health
  • Attract wealth and prosperity
Preists: 6
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Purusha Sukta Homa at Gokarna


We arrange for Purusha Sukta Homa at Gokarna. In temple premises.

Purusha Sukta is performed for the purpose of getting rid of the complications during pregnancy or for removing the obstacles in pregnancy. It is said that at most care should be taken during pregnancy. If there are complications then it could create problem. To get out of such things purusha sukta homam is necessary.If there is a delay in pregnancy and when some complication arises, this homam is performed for getting rid of the negativity. This homam not only perform to get rid out of pregnancy complications but also performed for healthy and intelligent children.This Homam is conducted by your name on your behalf, to beget a child. Those who are expecting a child shall also perform this pooja for healthy & intelligent child.
Purpose :
  • Homam to overcome hurdles in pregnancy
  • Protection for expectant mother
  • Childless couples to conceive child
Preists: 3
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Pind Daan or Shraddha at Gokarna


We arrange for Shraddha/Pind Daan at Gokarn with giving all custom instructions. For praying for Souls.

It is believed that to bring salvation to departed souls, Pind-daan is a must to do. Pind Daan is followed by all Hindus or followers of Hindu religion. Further, it is also believed that no work can be successfully performed without blessings of ancestors and the doing of Pind Daan invokes blessings of the dead ancestors. This pind daan helps the soul of ancestor’s soul of the death to attain Moksha(Salvation).
Pind Daan Ceremony : The performing of pind-daan ceremony and ancestor’s puja as per the specific rituals at Gokarna, Gaya, Haridwar, Allahabad or any other specified place helps the soul of the departed in attaining salvation.
Preists: 1
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Navgraha Pooja at Gokarna


We arrange for Navagraha Pooj at Gokarna. With all daana's and customary will be provided.

Please contact for bookings.

The name shows the meaning of the word Navagraha. Here Nava means nine and Graha means planets i.e. Nineplanets (Surya, Soma, Mangala, Budha, guru, shukra, shani, Rahu, Ketu).As per Vedic Astrology, these above 9 planets are influencing your lives. The position of planet at the time of your birth will have an influence on your actions and reactions to different situations in your life.Your Life will have its own ups and downs. In cases where there is an improper planetary alignment, it is termed as Dosha or negative influence.
Features :
  • Relief from sufferings and hitches in life
  • Favorable situations to all your endeavors
  • The luck factor will favor you a lot
  • Blessings from all the 9 planets for a successful life with reduced depressions throughout
  • Overcome Navagraha dosha
Preists: 3
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Saturday 9 May 2015

We provide Cottages/Accommodation In Gokarna


We will provide accommodation in  Gokarna. Near by beaches with excellent view point.
Please contact us for queries.


Go through  Pictures Of Gokarna, get different experience if you have visited before. Get new experience if you are visiting first time.

Kudle Beach view From Hill Top

Om Beach
A tip Between Half Moon and Om Beach
Rocks between Half and Paradise Beach

Lone Palm Tree near in Om Beach

Paradise Beach

Sun Set at Om beach

Gokarna Beach Trek Route

Dhanvantari Homa


We arrange Dhanvantari Homa at Gokarna.

In Hinduism when people are under treatment of Ayurvedic medicines are always worshipping Dhanvantari to overcome the diseases and illness. Shri Dhanvantari Moorthy was one of the great physician and God of Ayurvedic Medicines who appeared in Vedas and Puranas. When a person is suffering from ill health, they perform a Homam called as Dhanvantari Homam. Dhanvantari Homam was dedicated to Shri Dhanvantari Moorthy. This homam is very usuful and powerful for curing serious diseases and overcome illness. Also this homam cleans surrounding environment. This Homam has to be performed when a person is suffering from ill health and once in a year to get an atmospheric positive energy everywhere.
Purpose : Overcome illness and diseases, clear environment.
Preists: 5
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Kuja Shanthi at Gokarna


We arrange for Kuja Shanthi at Gokarna.

People who suffer from Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha or for those who are Manglik can go for Kuja Shanti. Manglik is that person who has problems in match making during marriage. It is also known as Sumanglik Dosha. This problem of Manglik often finds while doing matching of Kundli/ Horoscope of girl and boy. To overcome such problems i.e. kuja dosha/ manglik/ Mangala Dosha Kuja Shanti Homam is required.
Causes :
  • Devastating for marriage
  • Causing discomfort and tension in relationship
  • Leading to separation and divorce
  • In some cases, it is believed to cause untimely death of one spouse.
Purpose : Remedies to overcome kuja dosha/ manglik/ Mangala Dosha.
Preists: 3
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Mahaganapati homa at Gokarn


We arrange for Mahaganapati Homam at Gokarna

Lord Mahaganapthi is also known as Ganesha, Gajanana, Vinayaka etc. In Hinduism people worshiping Mahaganapathi because lord Ganesha eradicates/ to destroy all kinds of hindrances and problems/ difficulties faced by an individual. For this it is necessary to perform Mahaganapathi Homam which can bring peace among individuals and also provides a smoothing effect to the mind as well as the body. It also purifies the environment.
Causes :
  • Person who is suffering from losses
  • When one is starting a new business
  • Investments in any kind of business
  • One is getting married
  • To remove obstacles
Purpose : To bring peace, to overcome from losses a person suffering from, to remove obstacles.
Preists: 5
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,



We arrange for  MAHA MRUTHYUNJAYA HOMAM at Gokarna.

When there is premature death, certain death, to avoid such kind of death maha mrutyunjaya homam is performed. Maha mrutyunjaya Homam is dedicated to Lord Shiva where maha means great, Mrutyu means death, jaya means with over or victory. Mrutyunjaya means win over death. It means when a person perform Maha Mrutyunjaya Homam he/she can win over death. This Homam helps to reduce the dangers to life due to accidents and serious ills also in removing evil effects of enimies (Shatru Dosha Nivarana) by converting negative feelings of enemies to positive. Performing Maha Mrutyunjaya Homam once in year can protect a person for long life.
Purpose : This Homam is performed to achieve jaya or victory over mrutyu or death, for longevity, cure for chronic illness and for healthy life.
Preists: 3
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,

Narayana Bali & Pretoddhara at Gokarna


We arrange for Narayan Bali & Pretoddhara at Gokarna.

Narayan Bali & Pretoddhara
There are many abnormal deaths or sudden death taking place mostly death of ancestors by fasting or by animals, by accidents, by arson, by cholera, or any unusual disease, suicide, fall from mountain, tree or any height, death by muggers etc. such cases Narayan Bali is necessary to perform to get Moksha. All cases of abnormal death are described in Garuda Purana. In order to ensure whether a ancestor who died got moksha, a Pitradosh Nivaran Pooja is performed. The development of Pitra dosh can bring various hardships and calamities not only to that person but onto the entire family. This pitra Dosh performed from father’s side.
Preists: 6
Days: 1

Shridhar Upadhyay
Kotiteerth Katte,Gokarna
Uttara kannada (D),Karnataka
Ph No:+91-9448526048,